+ What Is Ankaa Marine? +
Ankaa Marine is a digital crew management platform designed to safely store, share and process crew data in real-time. For employers it can provide a unique platform that charts the most complete picture of your crew in real time, including crew movements, certification management, reports and analytics and offers GDPR compliance.
For crew, Ankaa Marine redefines employee engagement. Seafarers can connect with their company direct via the crew app using the individual and group messaging tool. Update profile details on the go, including uploading new certification direct into the system and receive alerts when certificates are due to expire. Find out more
+ Is there a Quick Start Guide available? +
Yes! Click here to download the Quick Start Guide for Ankaa Marine.
+How do I log in?+
Replace ‘company name’ with the company you are employed by in the URL below. EMPLOYEES https://companyname.ankaamarine.com/Employee EMPLOYERS https://companyname.ankaamarine.com/Employer
+ I already have an Ankaa Recruiter profile, how do I log in? +
Once employed your crew co-ordinator/ recruitment consultant will merge your profile information over to Ankaa Marine, please allow a few days following employment for this to happen. Once merged, you will be able to log in using the same details as Ankaa Recruiter. If you have any questions please contact your recruitment consultant.
+ How do I create or edit my profile? +
Log in and click Profile on the left-hand menu; click the Edit icon on the top right corner of the section to edit and then fill out all the details required.
+ How do I complete my profile? +
To complete your profile please fill the mandatory fields in each of the following sections; • Personal Information: Gender, Full Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Citizenship, Email address, Primary Contact Number • Contact Information: Full postal address, Resident country • Next of Kin: Name, Relationship, Address and their phone number • Documents: We encourage you to add all your valid documents and certificates here. Bear in mind this is your new CV so the more information the better. • Assignments: Add in your sea service experience with a short description of what you did, where you sailed, challenges etc.
+ How do I upload/change a profile picture? +
Once logged in please click Profile on the left menu. Click the Edit icon on the top right corner. Click on Upload Photo underneath the circle and select a photo from your device.
+ How do I change my password? +
Click the Settings icon at the top of the page to change your password.
+ Where do I change my notification preferences? +
Click the Settings icon at the top of the page to see the various options.
+ What are alerts on the home page? +
Alerts on the home page show which documents are expiring soon. Click on this to view the details.
+ What is an expiring document? +
If you have set up document expiry alerts, we will notify you before your certificates go out of date.
+ Where do I store my documents? +
Click Documents on the left menu and start adding your documents and certificates here.
+ Do I need access to the internet? +
Yes, Ankaa requires internet access to be used. Users of the mobile app can access the system using mobile internet or wifi.
+ How can I view Sea-Time Analytics? +
Individual crew members can get sea-time analytics (e.g. time in rank, time in company, time on vessel) by completing a full profile including detailed assignment history. Our Ankaa system will automatically update your sea-time analytics each time you post a new assignment. You can view your sea service analytics at the bottom of your home page profile.
+ I can't upload my attachment! +
If you are unable to upload an attachment please check that your document is less than 10MB in size and you have a good connection to the network.
+ Where do I find my payslips? +
Click Documents on the left menu and your payslips will be in there.
+ Why can't I access the mobile app? +
To access the mobile app you need a corporate code, this will be sent to you by your Crew Co-Ordinator or HR department.
+ What is the Corporate Code? +
Corporate Codes are company specific – please visit the website of the company you wish to work with and the corporate code will be detailed on the Register page.
+ Why can't I access the mobile app? +
To access the mobile app you must enter a company-specific corporate code, please visit the website of the company you wish to work with and the corporate code will be detailed on the Register page.
+ I’ve forgotten my password! +
On the Ankaa Marine log in screen click on the Forgot password? link which is located just under the password box.
Your new password must be at least 8 characters long and must include one of each special character below: • 1 Uppercase letter (A, B, C…) • 1 Number (1, 2, 3...) • 1 of these special characters: @#$%^&! The robust password policy is part of our commitment to keeping your personal data as secure as possible.
+ How Do I Create My Crew Profile On Ankaa Marine? +
Please follow our quick start guide to get your profile set up. The quick start guide provides details about how to login, set up your password, areas to complete and what common symbols mean. Download the quick start guide here.
+ What are Assignments? +
Assignments is the section where you can record and maintain your work experience – at sea, on shore, at your desk or others. Simply click the Add icon and start creating your assignments. If you keep this section up to date you will be able to accurately track your sea time and build a professional CV.
+ How do I delete an assignment? +
In the Assignments section select the items you would like to delete and click the Delete icon.
+ Can I add rotational assignments? +
Yes! A button for rotational assignments is available.
+ I still need help – who do I contact? +
For any job-related enquiries please contact the recruitment company. Ankaa cannot answer any questions relating to job adverts, payslips, pay, travel etc.
If you need technical help using Ankaa Recruiter, please contact support@ankaa.com detailing the following notes – • The registered email address • Your name as it appears on your profile • The Company you have registered with