Forward Planning Made Easy with Crew Analytics
If we were to ask you how many of your crew are British compared to Polish? Or what the average age of your Deck Rating department is? Or how many medical certificates require updating next month – would you be able to find the answers quickly?
Knowing this information is the difference between planning ahead effectively or a wild stab in the dark. Forward planning is important in today’s world where budgets are ever decreasing while the pressure on them increases, and crewing managers need to ensure that every penny is spent wisely.
Imagine if you can start planning a recruitment campaign a year ahead of the expected retirement of several senior officer posts. Or perhaps save money by organising bulk bookings of a medical or safety training each month? Ankaa Marine is a digital crew management system that empowers employers with the knowledge required to make decisions and forward plan quicker than manual methods.
With Ankaa Marine you can even drill down to individual employees to find out sea-time analytics, which could be useful for recruitment and promoting decisions. Finding out at the touch of a button their time in rank, time in company and time on vessel, could make the decision-making process to promote an inspiring young officer a whole lot easier.
Want to find out more about Crew Analytics with Ankaa Marine? Please get in touch to demo our system with no obligation to purchase.